Hot springs resort and spa
Nice soaking in a hot tub- mineral water runs constantly and tubs are emptied between soakers. View of the river from private I closed on 3 sides structure. Beautiful campsites on the river . Especially E3. Lots of trees, rustic but clean bathrooms and showers.
I went canoeing on a wild river with my inflato kayak and yes!!! Caught fish.

Vicki and I went canoeing in little rafts and had a great time.

So Howard and the owner hit it off so well that we were invited to dinner at their place.
At dinner Howard was talking about fishing and was able to get the cook to take him bank fishing the next morning. Rocky, the chef/guide, says he’ll meet Howard at 7 am the next morning.
Rocky was a very nice person. His dad was a Hells Angel, no mom around. Was homeless as of a year ago. Loved nature. He stood 6 foot four long hair and a bear of a guy. Good fisherman too. We trout with fly rods all morning.